Build a Bold Headboard
Skill Level: Beginner
Give your bedroom a great new look with this striking headboard.

A good headboard can really transform your bedroom. Instead of heading out to the furniture shop, why not try making your own? Our bold and colourful headboard is simple to make and adds real impact to a room – just follow our step by step instructions.
Products You Will Need
Step by Step Instructions
Step 1. Mark Up Your PVC
First, it’s time to create your cutting stencil. On the side of the material with the layer of protective film, mark out three evenly sized and spaced triangles.
Step 2. Cutting Stencil Completed
You now have your cutting stencil.

Step 3. Secure the PVC for Cutting
Fix the material to your workbench using a trigger clamp, ensuring that the material is secured before cutting.
Step 4. Get Cutting
Select the PVC material setting on your Jigsaw (KS501 shown). Carefully cut along the lines of your stencil.
Step 5. Smooth Edges
Use sanding paper to smooth any rough edges.

Step 6. Remove Film
Remove the protective film layer from the acrylic.
Step 7. Place Your Headboard
Place the headboard behind the bed, and you’re done!